Mentions Légales
Website owner :
21 Av Franklin Roosevelt
77290 – Mitry Mory - France
TEL. + 33 (0)
GSM : + 33 (0)
FAX : + 33 (0)
Numéro au RCS : RCS Meaux 495 270 944
Editorial Director : Kader Kachour
Website created by :
espricréa - 19, résidence de La Vallée - 77290 Mitry-Mory - France
1&1 Internet SARL - 7, place de la Gare - 57200 Sarreguemines
Copyrights and Rules & Regulation for using the website recovers from the principle of the Protection of the Copyright stated in the article L.111-1 of the Code of the Intellectual Property. It is the exclusive property of the company KACHOUR CAR SERVICE.
The totality of its contents - texts, logos, scripts, images, icons - is thus protected. No copy, reproduction, broadcasting, modification, transmission (by download, email, or quite other support of communication) even partial (other one than stated in the article L 122-5 of the CPI *) of these contents can be made without the express allowance being due to the company KACHOUR CAR SERVICE.
By navigating this site, the Internet user makes a commitment not to disrupt the smooth running by hostile acts against the aforementioned site or against the editor (such as the usurpation of identity, address or the manipulation of the electronic identifiers). The information published on this site has no contractual character.
The responsibility of both companies KACHOUR CAR SERVICE, and Espricréa cannot be started in case of inaccuracy or of omission. The external links used in this site were all the object of a written request of exploitation. It is thus forbidden to use them without the express allowance being due to their respective editors
21 Av Franklin Roosevelt
77290 – Mitry Mory - France
TEL. + 33 (0)
GSM : + 33 (0)
FAX : + 33 (0)
Numéro au RCS : RCS Meaux 495 270 944
Editorial Director : Kader Kachour
Website created by :
espricréa - 19, résidence de La Vallée - 77290 Mitry-Mory - France
1&1 Internet SARL - 7, place de la Gare - 57200 Sarreguemines
Copyrights and Rules & Regulation for using the website recovers from the principle of the Protection of the Copyright stated in the article L.111-1 of the Code of the Intellectual Property. It is the exclusive property of the company KACHOUR CAR SERVICE.
The totality of its contents - texts, logos, scripts, images, icons - is thus protected. No copy, reproduction, broadcasting, modification, transmission (by download, email, or quite other support of communication) even partial (other one than stated in the article L 122-5 of the CPI *) of these contents can be made without the express allowance being due to the company KACHOUR CAR SERVICE.
By navigating this site, the Internet user makes a commitment not to disrupt the smooth running by hostile acts against the aforementioned site or against the editor (such as the usurpation of identity, address or the manipulation of the electronic identifiers). The information published on this site has no contractual character.
The responsibility of both companies KACHOUR CAR SERVICE, and Espricréa cannot be started in case of inaccuracy or of omission. The external links used in this site were all the object of a written request of exploitation. It is thus forbidden to use them without the express allowance being due to their respective editors
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